Friday, November 7, 2008

Itchy Rod Like Bumps On Scrotum

General Knowledge

Explaining the importance of violence in contemporary society?


Violence is the use of physical force, physical or psychological that has to end either total or partial destruction or domination of a person or thing. It is about finding explanations its magnitude in modern societies. But modernity
covers the idea of progress. In history, the rise of modernity stems from humanism, lights and more recently technical progress. However, violence remains not only present but known modes of expression which the consequences are more formidable than ever. It is this paradox of modern violence that raises questions: why is it important?
should confine the analysis to developed countries because it is our modern societies. The advent of modern societies is between the late Middle Ages and the Enlightenment. It is clear that violence is a reality, whether that of a group or that of an individual in this part time and space. Attest, wars, terrorist attacks and domestic violence.
But violence is also a current phenomenon. Whether economic or social policy, violence is chronicled on a daily basis in the media.
Several types of explanations can be proposed: deterministic explanations and explanations nondeterministic. But it remains possible that our perception of violence tends to accentuate the scale respect at other times and societies.

Initially, explanations involving social determinism religious or biological will be offered to show that violence is inherent in human societies and therefore also to modern societies. In a second step, optimistic explanations show that violence is not inevitable but it is rooted in educational factors, economic and sociocultural including improving the limit. In a third step, we must distinguish factors which suggest that violence is more important when in reality it is the technical means, the more diverse or import that give the illusion of an alarming scale in modern societies.

Development: Part 1

is ubiquitous, real or imagined, violence, suggesting it is inevitable and natural to humanity. So far we have climbed into the story, however far it is gone, the violence is a reality in one form or another, even if only to fight against violence. Three deterministic explanations can be envisaged to explain the violence. The explanation Organic is the first. The philosophical explanation of religion is the second. The explanation of the violence in society is the third: the violence is not inherent to the human as an individual but to humans as being socialized. Present these explanations in order.
First, nature itself that humanity originated, is characterized by a certain violence, the most obvious is the death of every living being. The living world develops according to a selection according to Darwinism. Thus in the animal world, the strongest species will they feed on species less able to defend themselves. In this sense, the human being meets this criterion and performs its violence not only against other species but also against against his fellows. Domination and exploitation are therefore natural and scale in human societies would function as the greater ability of mankind. With this biological explanation, modern societies can not escape this determinism. Technological development would therefore make the biological data.
Then we can propose a certain philosophy that has priori man is violent by nature without recourse to biology. This is an essentialist explanation because it would be in the essence of man to be violent. Therefore, modern societies are experiencing violence all the more important that men are numerous. Christianity says that violence by the original sin which was transmitted to all humanity through Adam and Eve. From the fall, domination, pain and murder broke into the world Only go to only worsen. In the Gospels, Christ proclaims that the end times will be accompanied by violence increasingly important. Thus, in this religious logic, modern societies can only be more and more violent. On the one hand, the concentrations of people lend themselves to more conflicts due to human nature. On the other hand, the increasing violence is predicted.

Finally, some philosophical refuse or deny that violence is part of human nature. For all these currents substitute another determinism: society is violent by nature. Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: "Man is good but society corrupts him. "So the company is at the root of its ills, not the human itself. If violence in modern societies is so important is due to his organization that pushes individualism, selfishness and thus to violence. The explanation is the Marxist class struggle, the motor of history. The very existence of social classes determines violence. Inequality and injustice on the one hand, greed and jealousy on the other hand, lead the class to compete. In short, life in society as it is in modern society brings violence.


However, it seems that violence is variable in time and space. The belief in progress and the prohibition of certain violent invite us to greater optimism. Violence is perhaps not inevitable. In a second part, we will see the educational factors, economic and cultural factors that explain or limit the violence of modern societies.

Part 2

Firstly, education can be to stir up violence is to channel or restrict it. Violent games, violent entertainment and more generally, a violent environment are causes of violence in society. Educational resources allow reduce the extent of violence. If modern societies are experiencing such violence is that the education solutions are not entirely relevant. But solutions to reduce the level of violence there, the hardest part is finding them. These explanations reject determinism.
Then, the economic problems are often the cause of violence. The importance of economic issues in the modern world tends to mechanically amplify the violence. Urban violence is largely explained by real or perceived exclusion of part of the population. Conflicts the world of work are related to economic issues that generate a pressure of increasingly strong companies and their employees. So the economic competition and wealth sharing are likely to generate most of the violence. If economic problems disappear violence would be less under this explanation.
Finally, loss of values such as respect or loyalty may explain a resurgence of violence in modern society. Values such as solidarity, nonviolence and respect substantially lessen violence in our modern societies. So for the sake of thinking and culture that if this violence continues.


But these two types of explanation based on the premise that violence is important or very important. However, the violence becomes relative when analyzed more deeply. Some factors suggest that violence is more important when in reality it is the technical means, the more diverse or import from other companies that emphasize its importance. We will consider these factors in a third party.

Part 3:

Firstly, there is a structural effect that makes violence seem very important technical means. Not to mention the spread el'information which readers can learn of violence while at one time the information that readers can learn of violence while at one time information flowed more slowly and less Well, technology has an influence on the perception of the violence of our modern societies. Even if the wars would be fewer, and this is the case in Europe since the end of World War II, the most powerful military qu'antan cause loss of life and property disproportionate to the conflicts of other centuries . Suddenly, the perception of greater violence is necessary. The analysis can correct this vision. The burnings of the Middle Ages disappeared, laws exist to protect children, the wars of religion have disappeared from modern societies. Some progress has been made on moral issues. Then
violence the most common forms took less shocking that the massacres and wars of the past or other places on the planet. Milder forms of violence have emerged or developed. The economic war has replaced the military war. Social violence is symbolic rather than exploit and to use physically the lower social classes in our society. While violence remains high, its forms are "less violent".
Finally, with globalization issues are managed globally. Suddenly, the international situation is reflected in all modern societies. Violence is somehow imported through this channel. So terrorism is like a different company imported violence and more violent. Daily risks giving the impression that violence is an integral part of our modern societies. It should be borne in mind that this world is more complex.

Conclusion :

After considering the determinants and explanations are not deterministic we relativized the extent of violence in modern society. However, we can not deny the existence of violence. If humanity follows the course of progress, one wonders if one day our society will be the first to eradicate violence.


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