Friday, November 7, 2008

How Does It Cost For A Personal Trainer At Ballys

Social Issues

The inclusion of disabled

Following the announcement of the Pres of the Republic on 14 July. 2002 to the handicap of a three priorities of his five years, the law of February 11, 2005 was adopted. Art 2 of the Act provides for the first time a statutory definition of disability as a limitation of participation in social life due to physical or mental impairment. Art 3 of the Act declares the right of every disabled person to solidarity and the full exercise of citizenship. Semantic references to the project life and the principle of non-discrimination reflect a renewed approach to integration of disability.

I) Despite progress, the insertion devices and vocational school have shown their limits

A) Insertion educational and vocational

1) The policy of school integration before 2005

The Act of June 30, 1975 establishes the obligation
training and education adapted with REIA SEGPA
In mainstream: CLIS [1] and UPI [2] =
CFAS training center for skilled apprentices
(AES = Special education allowance) if the apprentice earns less than 350 euros if not entitled to the AAH

2) Professional integration before 2005

The Law of 23 November 1957 introduced the concept of a disabled worker
The Act of July 10, 1987 for the employment of Disabled establishes the obligation for any employer to employ at least 6% of disabled workers. COTOREP may recognize this quality.
In the public: jobs reserved

B) Inadequate mainstreaming

1) School
The level of training: 93% of children and teenagers are leaving school nursing home without having reached the level V .

2) professional

The Act of June 30, 1975 was aimed at integration in mainstream and special schools except

Yet the figures for Disability and employment reflect continuing difficulties of access to employment. 4% of disabled employees instead of 6%.
23% of disabled part-time as against 16% in the general population.
unemployment rate three times higher than the valid

II) Reforms to improve inclusion of disabled people

A) The impact of Community law and the contributions of the Act of February 11, 2005

1) Community law

Art 26 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of 7 November 2000: right to social integration and Professional
Directive 2000/78 of 27 November 2000: employers must allow access to employment and vocational training

2) The contributions of the Act of February 11, 2005

principle of registration of all children disabilities in regular education
Sign language is recognized as a separate language
32 000 students are subject to an accompaniment of carers of school
Fusion COTOREP [3] and CDES [4 ] CDAPH in [5] jurisdiction to decide on the direction and measures of employability and social.

B) New perspectives

Lachaud report in 2006 revolves around six themes:
1 - promote a "business scenario" to avoid the break between leaving school and entering the world of Working
2 - promote the path of alternating
3 - promote mentoring for disabled workers
4 - a one-stop shop for companies and a partner referral for youth with disabilities
5 - best value all actions promoting the employability of disabled workers, not just hiring
6 - create a label "Solidarity handicap", awarded by the HALDE (High Authority against Discrimination and for Equality) to reward companies that organize the reception and support of disabled workers

[1] class school integration
[2] Unit educational integration
[3] Technical Commission for guidance and outplacement
[4] Departmental Commission for Special Education
[5] Rights Commission and the independence of disabled


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