Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby Bright Red Hands

Summary: Encounter-Debate on 26 February 201

OCVIDH Mauritania today from Livable Future is Vimeo .

Slavery in Mauritania from Livable Future is Vimeo.

Land Grab in southern Mauritania from Livable Future is Vimeo.

political situation in Mauritania from Livable Future is Vimeo.

Summary: Encounter-Debate on February 26 2011.La Encounter-Debate held February 26, 2011 in Saint-Denis-Porte Paris by the opposition organizations, social associations and rights Rights: APA, RFD, UFP, FLAM, EMHA, OTMF, OCVIDH, CAMME, IRA-Mauritania-France, around the themes: 1) The closure of the Consulate of Mauritania in France and therefore the lives of thousands of workers and residents, 2) violations of human rights in Mauritania (Slavery, arresting activists for human rights, ...) 3) plunder of land in the valley and its socio-economic repercussions ;
4) The social, economic and political Mauritania
took place under very satisfactory with the presence more than one hundred participants in the room.
After the successive interventions of the four speakers: Mamadou Sow OTMF of Mohamed Yahya Ould Waxed of EMHA Diallo Ibrahima Ba Haïmout of FLAM and the FTU, the moderator Captain Kébé Abdoulaye Hashem gave CAMME floor to the room.
Discussions are held in a cordial atmosphere and mutual respect, with divergent views but how rewarding. All stakeholders, everyone could express and develop their point of view on various topics. But with a long list of entries and lack of time and despite the good will of all registrants moderator could not intervene. The meeting began and ended at 16h to 20h.
Mauritanians in their overwhelming majority want peace in Mauritania jealous of the unity of all its components, a Mauritania rid of all injustice: social, economic and political, that is to say a Mauritania where human rights are respected, where racial and ethnic discrimination are banned, where obscurantism, chauvinism are extirpated from the government and all the machinery of state. Therefore a viable Mauritania, modern and forward looking.
The organizers thank very warmly all the participants in this meeting, discussion and hope that others will follow Meeting-Debates, insallah.
Marega Baba Assa.


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