well 25 years ago I really liked movie with Kevin Costner and so I started reading it.
course for a book written in 1988, he was a bit late to discover that Indian tribes were a rich and flourishing civilization that binds our civilization, soldiers and settlers uneducated, dirty and violent, have virtually destroyed, along with the buffalo. We knew for some time, even John Ford and John Wayne did, half a century earlier, it said.
But for teenagers is a good book to find out, living, pulsating, full of good intentions but without adding too much, and there is something so fresh, new and enthusiastic in the hero that can not fail to smile like a younger brother too expansive.
A young lieutenant, a young but went through suffering and death, not free during the Civil War, wants a change of scenery and transferred the farthest from the world he has known, so far as he finds himself squarely in an abandoned fort with its garrison. Instead of going quietly taking new orders he moved there and discovered the vastness of the plains still wild, solitude, companionship with a horse and a wolf, the Comanche Indians, the point of becoming self-Comanche same. But the past always catches up with us eventually.
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