The latest round in fashion at home, two children have played with gusto, me then, with a declining enthusiasm for the second volume.
The adventures of two young twins who discover they are djinn, jinn nice, eh, inevitably, that will be closely involved the secret struggle that involve the good and bad jinn, and whose happiness and unhappiness of humans depend.

I have a weakness for the Jinn, in fantasy literature, thanks to the famous poem by Victor Hugo, and a few stories from the Arabian nights I know, although Disney has not hurt the martyred tales of genies and lamps.
In extreme Kerr was guilty of the same defect with these two young New Yorkers westernising narrative.
Mystery and the disorientation of the spirits of the desert suffering, remains a series of intrigues, puzzles and classic adventure and fun.
It moves into a tornado, are installed inside a very small middle class in magic lamps, it fulfills three wishes to people who invariably wasted stupidly, we open the vaults of Egyptian or Babylonian palace, it escapes the pterodactyls or giant snakes, it casts spells, it saves his sister or his uncle doom. The routine
fantasy for teenagers.
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