| | slavery Biram presumed to Arafat and his friends returned to the charge |
Source Essirage |
Monday, February 28, 2011
Cookbook Template Office
slavery Biram presumed to Arafat and his friends returned to the charge
Beautiful Place In Dallas
Abdallahi Ould Hormatallah lets off steam on nigga Urgent African
This text is published on Facebook, Abdallahi Ould Hormatallah
I want to clarify information widely reported in the press, which refers to the fact that among African mercenaries are several Mauritanian Gaddafi. Share my knowledge of the mentality of Mauritanians, I certify that the Mauritanian people have nothing to do with these mercenaries. Rather than the black African Mauritanians call "Lekwar" and who emigrated from Africa (especially Senegal and Mali), before settling in Mauritania to naturalize and join. Historically, the Mauritanian people suffer from their presence .
I want to clarify information widely reported in the press, which refers to the fact that among African mercenaries are several Mauritanian Gaddafi. Share my knowledge of the mentality of Mauritanians, I certify that the Mauritanian people have nothing to do with these mercenaries. Rather than the black African Mauritanians call "Lekwar" and who emigrated from Africa (especially Senegal and Mali), before settling in Mauritania to naturalize and join. Historically, the Mauritanian people suffer from their presence .
Version arbe:
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Beautiful Agony Blonde In Pain
abolitionist activists are on a known case of slavery
Urgent information, our friend, the president of IAR Biram Ould Dah Ould Abeid has not had time to rest a moment or Unemployment, currently it is a known case of slavery on a small hartania named Hasnia Mint Bilal aged 13. The executioner is the wife of a famous doctor, she called Yoummie Mint Nenni and the husband called Dr. Cheikh Ould Hamd'ahmed . The member of the UPR in Nema Khattri Ould Cheikh is to rescue the couple, now he tries to obstruct the law. This new current case shows us once again, have placed senior executives in the administration, the judiciary is subservient with slavery, elected and first president of the republic which are the main actors to continue to perpetuate slavery. Emergency, we mobilize to make our unwavering support to Biram Ould Dah Ould Abeid , a tireless soldier in the field, he fights for the souls who suffer the horrors of slavery among sharks slave looking to shred it.
Mobilize and quickly before the case is closed without further action as the previous ones.
Diko Hanoune
What Kind Of Weave Does Lala Wear ?
A Muslim scholar defends secularism and denounces the current Islamic obscurantism.
A Muslim scholar defends secularism and denounces Islamic obscurantism current.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Ritetemp-thermostat Unlock
Interview DIAGANA Mamadou Youssouf said Ibnu
DIAGANA Mamadou Youssouf said Ibnou Kaédi was born in 1960. He completed his primary and secondary schools in this city before going to the terminal in Nouakchott. After the baccalaureate in 1982 and after a contest of national officers of the army that succeeded in October 1982 he has been training at the EMIA (Ecole Militaire Interarmes Atar) for a formation of 2 years. After his training he was posted to the 2nd Military Region in the operational units to Bir Moghrein before being sent to specialist in France in 1986 at the cavalry school at Saumur for training in weapons and armored cavalry.
his return in August 1987 he was transferred to GABANA (Armored Group of the National Army), until the events of the pseudo coup of 1987 where he was arrested with many of his comrades and friends. In 1988 he was transferred to the Brigade Commander EMIA as young officers in the army where I served until we were arrested Dec. 6, 1990 under the false pretext of another coup plot of state. He is currently Chairman
Organization Against Human Rights Violations (OCVIDH), and was a founding member of several NGO Human Rights in Europe, including OCVIDH, CAMME, AVOMM, COME. and other informal structures CODIMAU, CSGP, FNDD-France etc ... for the promotion of human rights in Mauritania, the relentless fight against racism, against impunity for torturers, against slavery, democracy and for establishing the truth about the extrajudicial killings and other forms of discrimination which affect the national unity that arises for the development of Mauritania's development of its rich national resources and its diversity multicultural.
his return in August 1987 he was transferred to GABANA (Armored Group of the National Army), until the events of the pseudo coup of 1987 where he was arrested with many of his comrades and friends. In 1988 he was transferred to the Brigade Commander EMIA as young officers in the army where I served until we were arrested Dec. 6, 1990 under the false pretext of another coup plot of state. He is currently Chairman
Organization Against Human Rights Violations (OCVIDH), and was a founding member of several NGO Human Rights in Europe, including OCVIDH, CAMME, AVOMM, COME. and other informal structures CODIMAU, CSGP, FNDD-France etc ... for the promotion of human rights in Mauritania, the relentless fight against racism, against impunity for torturers, against slavery, democracy and for establishing the truth about the extrajudicial killings and other forms of discrimination which affect the national unity that arises for the development of Mauritania's development of its rich national resources and its diversity multicultural.
The interview will soon be available in your site:
Friday, February 25, 2011
Lost The Antenna To Wireless
URGENT: Mauritania: "Get Aziz" Justice for all, equality for all »....
URGENT: Mauritania: "Get Aziz" Justice for all, equality for all »....
Posted on February 25, 2011 at 6:43:09 p.m. CET by MM
"Get Aziz" "Justice for all, equality for all"
These are the slogans Dandin by hundreds of young demonstrators who stormed the place of the old block just after the end of the prayer this Friday.
This protest movement is in response to appeals on Facebook there a month, by youth. The correspondent of
Hotspots there, young, occupied space in downtown "old blocks" brandishing various slogans calling for the "reform plan" , "Justice for all, equality for all" and others call "Aziz's departure" .
Note a remarkable lack of enforcement of the city where this event takes place which increases the number of hours leading
periphery where the event takes place which increases the number line hours
URGENT: Mauritania: "Get Aziz" Justice for all, equality for all »....
Posted on February 25, 2011 at 6:43:09 p.m. CET by MM
"Get Aziz" "Justice for all, equality for all"
This protest movement is in response to appeals on Facebook there a month, by youth. The correspondent of
Hotspots there, young, occupied space in downtown "old blocks" brandishing various slogans calling for the "reform plan" , "Justice for all, equality for all" and others call "Aziz's departure" .
Note a remarkable lack of enforcement of the city where this event takes place which increases the number of hours leading
periphery where the event takes place which increases the number line hours
Canker Sores Behind Piercings
Videos: The man who defies the taboos of the Mauritanian state ...
The man who defies the taboos of the state since Mauritania's independence until today.
Our thanks to our countryman who has dared to spit out the truth about the situation persists chaotic the country, racism, exclusion, lies have taken the form of governing official Mauritania. Enjoy.
Diko Hanoune
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I Need A Name For A Cake Business
| |
invade these streets no longer belong to us
punish the murderers of our civilian and military
indemnify the widows and orphans
honor our dead
Désésclavagiseons our mentality
officials are promoting those patriots
Virons who think only their mouths
stamping out slavery, racism and xenophobia
Carbonisons these beautiful homes built with the sweat of the People
Destroy those banks that hide the stolen money to repatriate our deportees
people of Senegal and Mali
Let goods and honors
occupy the factories that fail to live our fathers
Trafiquons that water and electricity that cost us dear
we rebel against the police for no reason that represses
Let's fly the rich and give to the poor
Shut Center Nouadhibou
Open our borders to our neighbors
Refuse rising food prices
Délégitimons these Ministers and Diplomats unable
Mauritania's build a just and egalitarian
Walk like Egyptians and Tunisians
equally divided our wealth
us establish the balance Peoples of our country
enclose the military in their barracks
train our officers to respect the people
exploit our natural resources for the good of the People
Eat fish that leaves our plates
Purgeons army and police of his killers
's Clear Procurement
move on the corrupt and thieves of the people
Helping the Saharawi people in their struggle for independence
reaffirm our belonging to Arab and negro
Respect the Rights of Children and Women
Protest against Walk Let all these injustices
tea on the fire
Arpentons Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser
occupy the National Assembly and the Senate
Let us camp before radio and television Mauritania Plant
our tents before the Presidency of the Republic and Mauritania
Demand a just, free, honest and egalitarian.
Citizen Mauritania
Source:Monday, February 21, 2011
Mac Best Slideshow Software
Helping Youth Mauritanian boil to clear Ould Abdel Aziz
Facebook: Youth Mauritanian boil to clear Ould Abdel Aziz Aziz
Facebook: Youth Mauritanian boil to clear Ould Abdel Aziz Aziz
is not stronger than Ben Ali, Mubarak and Gaddafi!
We are not weaker than the youth of Tunisia, Egypt or Libya
Send SMS to all your friends
February 25
at 12:00 Place: Court blocks
Objective: to overthrow Aziz
Objective: to overthrow Aziz
نرجوا من جميع الموريتانيين في الداخل و الخارج التبرع To their homeland ten short messages containing this text: "Aliatsamip demonstration on Friday in the courtyard of Oblukat public advocacy for the oppressed and not the oppressed people" Baarabp , French, Pulaar and Wolof Alsononkip and Hassani, each according to his language and to reach the absent present, the cost of the message 10 ounces of the message
Bosch Dishwasher Troble Shooting
Oral question to the member PFU Kadiata Malick Diallo on Civil Status
I. L'Etat-civil après le Ranvec de 1998 :
Despite the shortcomings, gaps and shortcomings, the Ranvec 1998 enabled a significant improvement in the state-civil (especially the birth and establishment of the national identity card known as "falsified").
Undoubtedly omissions, errors (they were trying to correct), constraints (back to the town of birth to get a copy, issue exceeded thereafter) and so on. but despite all the service remained available.
During the first parliamentary session 2009-2010, when submitting bills to amend the Law on civil status and nationality law, you had mentioned the impending start of a new administrative census (you were talking about April 2010). Even then, your presentation of the operation had raised concerns with the threatening tone that you used (HAD minne hu Maa, maa hu minne ... ... we have not forgotten the deportation).
In July 2010, the National Agency for Population Register and secure documents was created by decree 2010-150 of 07.06.2010 and has begun to implement. It
later said that the census will be launched November 28, 2010 and it seems he has been postponed three times (02/01- 02/02 - 15/02) and so far nothing.
meantime you can be understood that the provisions of Decree 2010-150 were not in harmony with the law organizing the civil status and the need to change it. This was done at the last regular session (November 2010 - January 2011). Your Order From 06/07/2010 2010-150 has therefore been the girl who is older than her mother.
We had denounced in his time two aspects Serious law (security aspect and the extreme centralization). Acts which were police, walis, of Hakem, mayors and transport services have all been transferred to a person. We clearly said it was a bad law. And you said in the preamble of the bill that the state civil false, completely false and that he needed to be taken over totally. "He had to crush and rebuild."
What seemed even more curious is the securing of Decree 2010-150 by law in Article 72 that I wanted amended and you have opposed even the principle of the discussion of the amendment.
In this decree, you create an administrative public institution (EPA) with a technical steering committee. The latter is specifically established and that this be put in the decree organizing the agency did not fail to raise questions.
Who are they? Would they have specific instructions? Why all national components have not been represented?
The agency is headed by a Director and General (ADG), then EPA that all are headed by a Director General. The EPA is a private institution rather because having an administrator who manages and controls itself. Its net sales for the form. Now that ADG is disqualified for various reasons to head the state-civil.
1 - Administration: This is not an official (no relation to the public)
2 - Grade: is someone who has made his career in state-civil business.Or (a sovereign mission of the Department of the Interior) is a technical management of the life of citizens as social, economic policy.
3 - Politically: it is a marked man because head of logistics for the election of Mohamed o / Abdel Aziz candidate in July 2009, and the one he took to manage the computer system is that there same computer system that managed the candidate Mohamed O / Abdel Aziz.
II. What happened to the civil status since the establishment of the agency and the implementation of the new texts
According to information I could gather, and you can correct those errors by making you think necessary clarifications, there have been purely and simply to liquidate the state-civil:
The first decision of the ADG is curious to ask what all the computer equipment inside is reduced to Nouakchott with prohibition to regional issue acts of civil status or extracts.
At Nouakchott, there is one person who has the key of the new software with a new operating program. The smallest mistake at a center of Nouakchott civil status must await the gentleman to be corrected. Then all the machines of the 9 Nouakchott are routinely transported to the agency to undergo corrections (Saturday) and they are returned late Sunday morning, Sunday, therefore no state-civil! You will agree with me that this is an archaic procedure when one internet connection.
Worse yet, the file management of birth exists, ADG reportedly asked the consulting firm that has committed to sort and put aside all the birth certificates that had been purpose of correction (name, date or place of birth, etc..) and in a manipulating a machine, it seems that the file has been overwritten (thousands of Mauritanians are now without a birth certificate).
auxiliaries of the state-civil constitute the interface between citizens and the administration have been overwhelmingly acknowledged. These assistants whose services were even approached by foreign embassies in our countries were outreach work in neighborhoods and villages, information on births, deaths, marriages, etc.. and preparation of minutes for the establishment of acts civil status. So they are facilitators.
III. The consequences of this situation: There
complicated system for obtaining acts of civil status.
• For the declaration of marriage, it requires the presence of spouses, the wife's guardian and two witnesses (Form very embarrassing for the Mauritanian).
• There interdependence of the various acts which led to a complete system. Example: - A newborn can not be registered without the marriage of his parents (or many couples have no records of marriages, especially in rural areas, a divorce certificate can not be established without a legal marriage, a death certificate can be obtained if there is no birth certificate.
• Limiting extreme forms of birth certificates: today, while the prints are not only Nouakchott, each center of civil status of a municipality is entitled to 100 forms per day. So you see the pressure it feels. People are queuing up since 4am and when we give 100 tickets, it was not until the next day. Some citizens are deprived of their rights that require the presentation of any other act and miss opportunities (to do a contest, apply for a job. Etc..) and it opens the door to corruption (500um/copie).
The crisis of civil status led you it seems to make exceptions for examination candidates (event, BEPC, LAC) without knowing on what basis you legal support. The establishment of student gives him a certificate proving that he is registered there, sent to the education institution concerned and sent to hakem issuing a certificate in lieu of an act of civil status when people were easily and legally their civil status.
serious technical problems are also noted in extracts from the two populations Hodhs (an act out without the name of the mother or the father or both).
IV. Recruitment of agency staff and software problem:
The agency appears to be facing an intractable problem of software that is irrelevant and not integrated and which blocks you from 2 years. Two consulting firms committed to the civil status (birth certificate and national identity card), there no possible collaboration.
For staff, we conducted a new recruitment. A contest was held to recruit 118 managers (54 managers, 54 technicians and 10 software engineers). After the competition, and having the desired number, we conducted another recruitment without known criteria. Today engineers are over 20. Can we know on what basis was performed after recruiting?
But the problem also is that people are considered civil servants recruited since May 2010 but are still without salaries and elders are in a situation of confusion.
V. The problem of national identity card and electoral register.
With a state-civil disorganized and largely destroyed, one wonders how will we develop an electoral register? One objective of the census should be the development of a new electoral register before the next elections scheduled in a few months.
The national ID card project is stopped for 2 years and ran behind his workers their rights. CIN established in 2000 are no longer valid (expired) for 2 years and it is unnecessary to establish new CIN and all services requiring this room are blocked (travel, passport, bank account opening, etc.). but the worst is that we have seen people with statements of loss of CIN with photo, with a random number. Statements completely false. It is not there preparing the biggest electoral fraud? The parties are notified.
1. Instead of securing the registry, it was privatized and was destroyed. It is a general chaos which ADG was guilty.
: his dismissal (he was not only disqualified from the start, but the fault is heavy).
2. The current system, if one can speak of the system, caused a rift between citizens and services of the registry (everything is centralized in one person).
Measure: The laws governing civil status must be reviewed to make them applicable.
3. Justified concerns of the people: all acts regulating their citizens' lives are in the hands of one person whose relationship with the community is unknown (it is neither an official nor an elected official or a personality) measures only clear, precise and transparent can reassure .
4. The last question worth asking is this one: on what basis would there be to organize the next election? Will you wait for the new state-civil (which seems to be blocked)? Or will there be an election on the basis of current evidence?
In any case, Sir, one thing must be clear, person never accept rigged elections.
on 20/02/11
• Declaration on the deportees, liabilities humanitarian and slavery
I. L'Etat-civil après le Ranvec de 1998 :
Despite the shortcomings, gaps and shortcomings, the Ranvec 1998 enabled a significant improvement in the state-civil (especially the birth and establishment of the national identity card known as "falsified").
Undoubtedly omissions, errors (they were trying to correct), constraints (back to the town of birth to get a copy, issue exceeded thereafter) and so on. but despite all the service remained available.
During the first parliamentary session 2009-2010, when submitting bills to amend the Law on civil status and nationality law, you had mentioned the impending start of a new administrative census (you were talking about April 2010). Even then, your presentation of the operation had raised concerns with the threatening tone that you used (HAD minne hu Maa, maa hu minne ... ... we have not forgotten the deportation).
In July 2010, the National Agency for Population Register and secure documents was created by decree 2010-150 of 07.06.2010 and has begun to implement. It
later said that the census will be launched November 28, 2010 and it seems he has been postponed three times (02/01- 02/02 - 15/02) and so far nothing.
meantime you can be understood that the provisions of Decree 2010-150 were not in harmony with the law organizing the civil status and the need to change it. This was done at the last regular session (November 2010 - January 2011). Your Order From 06/07/2010 2010-150 has therefore been the girl who is older than her mother.
We had denounced in his time two aspects Serious law (security aspect and the extreme centralization). Acts which were police, walis, of Hakem, mayors and transport services have all been transferred to a person. We clearly said it was a bad law. And you said in the preamble of the bill that the state civil false, completely false and that he needed to be taken over totally. "He had to crush and rebuild."
What seemed even more curious is the securing of Decree 2010-150 by law in Article 72 that I wanted amended and you have opposed even the principle of the discussion of the amendment.
In this decree, you create an administrative public institution (EPA) with a technical steering committee. The latter is specifically established and that this be put in the decree organizing the agency did not fail to raise questions.
Who are they? Would they have specific instructions? Why all national components have not been represented?
The agency is headed by a Director and General (ADG), then EPA that all are headed by a Director General. The EPA is a private institution rather because having an administrator who manages and controls itself. Its net sales for the form. Now that ADG is disqualified for various reasons to head the state-civil.
1 - Administration: This is not an official (no relation to the public)
2 - Grade: is someone who has made his career in state-civil business.Or (a sovereign mission of the Department of the Interior) is a technical management of the life of citizens as social, economic policy.
3 - Politically: it is a marked man because head of logistics for the election of Mohamed o / Abdel Aziz candidate in July 2009, and the one he took to manage the computer system is that there same computer system that managed the candidate Mohamed O / Abdel Aziz.
II. What happened to the civil status since the establishment of the agency and the implementation of the new texts
According to information I could gather, and you can correct those errors by making you think necessary clarifications, there have been purely and simply to liquidate the state-civil:
The first decision of the ADG is curious to ask what all the computer equipment inside is reduced to Nouakchott with prohibition to regional issue acts of civil status or extracts.
At Nouakchott, there is one person who has the key of the new software with a new operating program. The smallest mistake at a center of Nouakchott civil status must await the gentleman to be corrected. Then all the machines of the 9 Nouakchott are routinely transported to the agency to undergo corrections (Saturday) and they are returned late Sunday morning, Sunday, therefore no state-civil! You will agree with me that this is an archaic procedure when one internet connection.
Worse yet, the file management of birth exists, ADG reportedly asked the consulting firm that has committed to sort and put aside all the birth certificates that had been purpose of correction (name, date or place of birth, etc..) and in a manipulating a machine, it seems that the file has been overwritten (thousands of Mauritanians are now without a birth certificate).
auxiliaries of the state-civil constitute the interface between citizens and the administration have been overwhelmingly acknowledged. These assistants whose services were even approached by foreign embassies in our countries were outreach work in neighborhoods and villages, information on births, deaths, marriages, etc.. and preparation of minutes for the establishment of acts civil status. So they are facilitators.
III. The consequences of this situation: There
complicated system for obtaining acts of civil status.
• For the declaration of marriage, it requires the presence of spouses, the wife's guardian and two witnesses (Form very embarrassing for the Mauritanian).
• There interdependence of the various acts which led to a complete system. Example: - A newborn can not be registered without the marriage of his parents (or many couples have no records of marriages, especially in rural areas, a divorce certificate can not be established without a legal marriage, a death certificate can be obtained if there is no birth certificate.
• Limiting extreme forms of birth certificates: today, while the prints are not only Nouakchott, each center of civil status of a municipality is entitled to 100 forms per day. So you see the pressure it feels. People are queuing up since 4am and when we give 100 tickets, it was not until the next day. Some citizens are deprived of their rights that require the presentation of any other act and miss opportunities (to do a contest, apply for a job. Etc..) and it opens the door to corruption (500um/copie).
The crisis of civil status led you it seems to make exceptions for examination candidates (event, BEPC, LAC) without knowing on what basis you legal support. The establishment of student gives him a certificate proving that he is registered there, sent to the education institution concerned and sent to hakem issuing a certificate in lieu of an act of civil status when people were easily and legally their civil status.
serious technical problems are also noted in extracts from the two populations Hodhs (an act out without the name of the mother or the father or both).
IV. Recruitment of agency staff and software problem:
The agency appears to be facing an intractable problem of software that is irrelevant and not integrated and which blocks you from 2 years. Two consulting firms committed to the civil status (birth certificate and national identity card), there no possible collaboration.
For staff, we conducted a new recruitment. A contest was held to recruit 118 managers (54 managers, 54 technicians and 10 software engineers). After the competition, and having the desired number, we conducted another recruitment without known criteria. Today engineers are over 20. Can we know on what basis was performed after recruiting?
But the problem also is that people are considered civil servants recruited since May 2010 but are still without salaries and elders are in a situation of confusion.
V. The problem of national identity card and electoral register.
With a state-civil disorganized and largely destroyed, one wonders how will we develop an electoral register? One objective of the census should be the development of a new electoral register before the next elections scheduled in a few months.
The national ID card project is stopped for 2 years and ran behind his workers their rights. CIN established in 2000 are no longer valid (expired) for 2 years and it is unnecessary to establish new CIN and all services requiring this room are blocked (travel, passport, bank account opening, etc.). but the worst is that we have seen people with statements of loss of CIN with photo, with a random number. Statements completely false. It is not there preparing the biggest electoral fraud? The parties are notified.
1. Instead of securing the registry, it was privatized and was destroyed. It is a general chaos which ADG was guilty.
: his dismissal (he was not only disqualified from the start, but the fault is heavy).
2. The current system, if one can speak of the system, caused a rift between citizens and services of the registry (everything is centralized in one person).
Measure: The laws governing civil status must be reviewed to make them applicable.
3. Justified concerns of the people: all acts regulating their citizens' lives are in the hands of one person whose relationship with the community is unknown (it is neither an official nor an elected official or a personality) measures only clear, precise and transparent can reassure .
4. The last question worth asking is this one: on what basis would there be to organize the next election? Will you wait for the new state-civil (which seems to be blocked)? Or will there be an election on the basis of current evidence?
In any case, Sir, one thing must be clear, person never accept rigged elections.
on 20/02/11
• Declaration on the deportees, liabilities humanitarian and slavery
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Nursing Diagnosis For Patient With Cellulitis
Backgrounder: Front Struggle against Slavery, Racism and Exclusion (Flers)
Front of Struggle against Slavery, Racism and Exclusion (Flers)
Front Struggle against Slavery, Racism and Exclusion (Flers)
Project census-based state Civil - attention to the exclusion of black communities:
Since election in July 2009, the General ; Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has decided to suspend the establishment of civil status documents. The decision, enforced by officers particularly zealous has deprived many black children (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara) parts Marital status - yet a right for every citizen.
It should be noted that the overwhelming majority of black Africans to return after the deportations in Senegal, have still not received vital documents. They are reduced to being refugees in their own homeland. What about the assault course when "citizens" black Mauritanian seeking a birth or marriage, a national ID card? They are, unfortunately, forced to dearly corrupt officials assigned to these services, to withstand months of back and forth and, despite everything, ending up with names deliberately "Arabized"!
Indeed, as a prelude to the next census-based civil state, a National Agency of Civil Status has been established and its composition, state racism and exclusion , once again prevailed: twelve (12) frameworks to manage the Agency at the national level, there are one black and hundreds of prospective enumerators, blacks represent about 1%.
It is interesting to note that in the census form, people are classified according to their ethno-linguistic affiliation. Thus, Hratin would be forced to declare themselves Arabs while the Fulbe are divided into "Fulani" and "Haal Pulaar. The whole feat is made for false move in the direction of racist to believe the lie that the Arabs are a majority in the country by flooding the majority in the minority hratin beydhan.
FLERS called blacks of Mauritania (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara) to become aware of their situation and oppressed to revolt against racist oppression to restore their dignity and regain their full rights.
Nouakchott on February 18, 2011
The Executive Council
· African Renaissance
· Consciousness citizen
· ; Initiative Resurgence of Abolitionist Movement in Mauritania (ARI-Mauritania)
· Mauritanian Initiative for Equality and Justice (IMEJ)
· Kawtal e Jellitaare,
· ; Youth Observatory Mauritanian cons social disparities (OJMDS)
· Party Union of Social Forces of Mauritania .
Front de Lutte contre l'Esclavage, le Racisme et l'Exclusion (FLERE) front struggle against slavery, racism and exclusion (Flers)
Note d ' information background
Le Projet de recensement à vocation d'Etat Civile - attention à l'exclusion des communautés noires: project based on the census of the civil state - attention to the exclusion of black communities:
Depuis son élection au mois de juillet 2009, le Général Mohamed Ould ABDEL AZIZ a décidé de suspendre l'établissement des pièces d'Etat civil. since his election in July 2009, Ould Abdel Aziz, General Muhammad decided to stop the establishment of civil status documents. Cette décision, appliquée par des agents particulièrement zélés, a privé de nombreux enfants noirs (hratin, peul, soninké, wolof et bambara) de pièces d'Etat civil - pourtant un droit pour tout citoyen. and coercion by the officers and a private enthusiast, and denied that the decision of many black children (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, and Wolof and Bambara) Spare Parts social situation - After the right of every citizen.
Il est à noter que l'écrasante majorité des Négro-africains de retour après les déportations au Sénégal, n'ont toujours pas obtenu de papiers d'état civil. should be noted that the overwhelming majority of black Africans to return after deportation Senegal, still have not received vital documents. Ils sont réduits à être des réfugiés dans leur propre patrie. are reduced to refugees of being at home. Que dire du parcours du combattant quand les «citoyens» noirs de Mauritanie cherchent à obtenir un acte de naissance ou de mariage, une carte d'identité nationale? What about the obstacle course, when "citizens" of black Mauritanians trying to get a birth or marriage, and a national identity card? Ils sont, malheureusement, obligés de corrompre chèrement les responsables affectés à ces services, de supporter des mois de va et vient et, malgré tout, de se retrouver avec des noms volontairement «arabisés»! are, unfortunately, was forced to bribe officials allocated a heavy price for these services, to take months back and forth, and in spite of all شيء, وتنتهي مع أسماء عمدا "المعربة!
Indeed, as a prelude to the next census-based civil state, a National Agency of Civil Status has been established and its composition, state racism and exclusion have, once again, prevailed: twelve (12) frameworks to manage the Agency at the national level, there are one black and hundreds of prospective enumerators, blacks represent only about 1%. In fact, as a prelude to the census of the civil state based on the next, civil status and established the National Agency, and the formation of the State of racism and exclusion have, once again, there was: Twelve (12) frameworks for the management of the Agency at the national level, there is one black and hundreds of potential enumerators, and blacks represent only about 1%.
Il est intéressant de signaler que dans la fiche de recensement, les citoyens sont classés selon leur appartenance ethnolinguistique. It is interesting to note that in the census form, people are classified according to the ethnic and linguistic affiliations. Ainsi, les Hratin seraient forcés à se déclarer arabes pendant que les Fulbé sont divisés en «peuls» et en «Haal pulaar». and thus Hratin enforced, would be to declare themselves, while the Arabs are divided into Fulbe "and" Polar Haal Fulani ". Toute cette gymnastique mensongère n'est faite que pour aller dans le sens de faire croire au mensonge raciste selon lequel les Arabes sont majoritaires dans le pays en noyant la majorité hratin dans la minorité beydhan. feat which is all the wrong move in the direction of racism to believe that the lie that the Arabs form a majority in the country due to floods in the majority of the minority beydhan hratin.
Le FLERE appelle les noirs de Mauritanie (hratin, peul, soninké, wolof et bambara) à prendre conscience de leur situation d'opprimés et à se révolter contre l'oppression raciste pour restaurer leur dignité et recouvrer pleinement leurs droits. FLERS called Blacks in Mauritania (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, and Wolof and Bambara) to become aware of the Their status, and oppressed to revolt against the injustice of racism to restore the dignity and the restoration of full rights.
Nouakchott, le 18 février 2011 Nouakchott, 18 February 2011
Le Conseil Exécutif Executive Board
Organisations membres: membership:
- Afrique Renaissance, Renaissance African
- Conscience citoyenne Civil Consciousness
- Initiative de Résurgence du Mouvement Abolitionniste en Mauritanie (IRA-Mauritanie), initiative emission of movement the abolition of slavery in Mauritania (ARI, Mauritania)
- Initiative Mauritanienne pour l'Egalité et la Justice (IMEJ), Mauritanian Initiative for Equality and Justice (IMEJ)
- Kawtal e Jellitaare, Kawtal Jellitaare e,
- Observatoire de la jeunesse Mauritanienne contre les Disparités Sociales (OJMDS), Observatory Mauritanian youth cons of social differences (OJMDS)
- Parti Union des Forces Sociales de Mauritanie. Union Party, the social forces in Mauritania
Front of Struggle against Slavery, Racism and Exclusion (Flers)
Backgrounder Backgrounder
Project census-based state Civil - attention to the exclusion of black communities: Project-based census of State Civil - Attention To The exclusion of black communities:
Since his election in July 2009, General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has decided to suspend the establishment of civil status documents. Since historical election in July 2009, General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz has Decided to suspend The establishment of civil status documents. The decision, enforced by officers particularly zealous, has deprived many black children (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara) Parts Marital status - yet a right for every citizen. The decision, particularly bewitched by zealous officers, has Deprived Many black children (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara) Parts Marital status - has yet right for Every Citizen.
It should be noted that the overwhelming majority of black Africans to return after the deportations in Senegal, have still not received vital documents. It Should Be Noted That The Overwhelming Majority of black Africans to return the after the deportations in Senegal, Still Not Have Received vital documents. They are reduced to being refugees in their own homeland. They Are Being Reduced To Refugees in Their Own Homeland. What about the obstacle course when "citizens" black Mauritanian seeking a birth or marriage, a national ID card? What About the hurdle race when "citizens" seeking "a black Mauritanian birth or marriage, a national ID card? They are, unfortunately, forced to bribe officials dearly affected These services support several months back and forth and, despite everything, ending up with names deliberately "Arabized"! They Are, Unfortunately by, forced to scrap Officials dearly Allocated to thesis services to Withstand months of back and forth and, despite Everything, Ending Up With names Deliberately "Arabized"!
Indeed, as a prelude to the next census-based civil state, a National Agency of Civil Status has been established and its composition, state racism and exclusion, once again prevailed: twelve (12) frameworks to manage the Agency at the national level, there one black and hundreds of prospective enumerators, blacks represent only about 1%. Indeed, as a prelude to the next census-based civil state, a National Agency of Civil Status has been "ESTABLISHED and Its Composition, state racism and exclusion Have, Once Again, prevailed: twelve (12) frameworks to Manage the Agency has The National level, There Are Hundreds of black and one prospective Enumerator, Black represents only about 1%.
It is interesting to note that in the census form, people are classified according to their ethno-linguistic affiliation. It Is Interesting to note That in the Census form, people are Classified According To Their ethno-linguistic affiliation. Thus, Hratin would be forced to declare themselves Arabs while the Fulbe are divided into "Fulani" and "Haal Pulaar. Thusis Hratin Would Be Forced to declare Themselves While The Fulbe are Arabs Divided into "Fulani" and "Haal Pulaar. whole feat is only made for lying in the direction of going to believe the lie that racist Arabs are a majority in the country by flooding the majority in the minority hratin beydhan. The Whole feat forfaitaire for False Move In The direction of racist to Believe The Lie Thats the Arabs are a Majority in the Country by flooding in the Majority The Minority hratin beydhan.
The FLERS called blacks of Mauritania (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara) to become aware of their situation and oppressed to revolt against racist oppression to restore their dignity and regain their full rights. FLERS Called The blacks of Mauritania (hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara) to Become Aware of Their situation and Oppressed to Revolt Against racist oppression to restore Their Dignity and renewed Their full rights.
Nouakchott, 18 February 2011 Nouakchott, 18 February 2011
The Executive Council The Executive Council
Organisations membres: Membership:
- Afrique Renaissance, African Renaissance
- Conscience citoyenne Civic consciousness
- Initiative du Mouvement de Résurgence Abolitionniste en Mauritanie (IRA- Mauritanie), Initiative Resurgence of Abolitionist Movement in Mauritania (ARI-Mauritania)
- Initiative pour l'Egalité Mauritanienne et la Justice (IMAGES), Mauritanian Initiative for Equality and Justice (IMAGES)
- Kawtal e Jellitaare, Kawtal Jellitaare e,
- Youth Observatory Mauritanian cons social disparities (OJMDS), Youth Observatory Mauritanian social con disappearance (OJMDS)
- Party Union of Social Forces of Mauritania. Social Forces Union Party of Mauritania.
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